Gurdian Program
We are not a kennel. Our dogs live with us, our extended family, or guardian homes. Every dog in our Paws Beyond The Pines family is spoiled & loved in an individual home.​​
A good breeder needs to gain experience while being selective in health, temperament, genetic diversity, and breeding quality. They also need to make sure every dog is being appropriately used and gets to retire in the same home they grew up in. How can they do this without becoming a kennel? Gurdian homes!
Want to be part of our dog family?
How A Gurdian Program Benefits Your Family
1. A "free" puppy. Paws Beyond The Pines remains the dog's owner, so the $3,100 purchase price is waived. We transfer ownership when a dog retires at no cost to your family.
2. We pay for a 6-week puppy training class for any puppy in our program.
3. Any dog in our program who receives their good canine citizenship will be compensated $500 in honor of the accomplishment.
4. We compensate our Moms' families in our program for every successful litter they have, which is considered 3 or more puppies.
5. We only ask moms in our program for 1-3 litters, which means your time commitment to our program is only a few years.
6. If available, we are happy to watch dogs in our program when their families are on vacation for $30-a-day boarding fee.
7. Paws Beyond The Pines covers breeding expenses, yearly parvo, rabies, heartworm prevention, and any "breeding-related" medical costs. Guardian families are responsible for regular pet expenses including but not limited to high quality dog food, basic grooming, socialization, any other regular pet or medical expenses including emergencies.
8. When a dog retires from our program, we pay for the spay/neuter expenses.
9. We offer as much guidance or help as a Gurdian family needs in raising their puppy.
10. You get to be part of a magical experience, with frequent updates of each litter, and a once in a lifetime experience getting to be a part of puppies' lives from birth to when they go home.
How A Gurdian Program Benefits Our Program
1. It allows us to retain a larger number of dogs in our program without becoming a kennel.
2. It allows us to be more selective in health, temperament, and genetic diversity.
3. It allows us to lower our litter count per dog.
5. It allows us to offer a variety of sizes, personalities, and coats to different families.
6. It gives us the opportunity to work with families closely and create a larger "Paws Family" that has valuable insight to our program.
7. It lets us focus on puppies, so we can put more efforts into training, socializing, and raising them correctly.
8. It gives us the opportunity to continue breeding and gaining experience. The more litters we have, the more we learn. Even though we plan on remaining small, we know our passion and love for this business will last decades.
9. We can time when we have litters to fit families and our schedules better.
10. It offers us the ability of continuing to do what we love: matching great dogs with great families.